Spring 2025 Capstone Project | Data Analytics | DANA4850

Open Closing on January 1, 2025 / 3 spots left
Langara College
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
3 projects wanted
Dates set by projects
Preferred companies
Small to medium enterprise
Business & management, Business services, Consumer goods & services, Cosmetics & beauty, Energy
Machine learning Artificial intelligence Data analysis Data modelling Data science
programming languages python (programming language) machine learning sas (software) data analysis r (programming language) artificial intelligence
Learner goals and capabilities

Students who enrolled in the DANA program would typically take courses within 4 semesters. Some students would take the fifth semester for gain more experience through a work term. The details of course per semesters are outlined on this page (https://langara.ca/programs-and-courses/programs/data-analytics/program-curriculum.html).

During their final semester (4th semester), students would take the Capstone Project course. Through the capstone projects, teams consisting of 3-4 students work collaboratively over a period of approximately 4 months to progressively develop solutions ranging from initial concepts to functional prototypes. Their efforts involve applying AI and various machine learning techniques to analyze diverse types of data such as numbers, images, and texts. Students possess programming skills in Python, R and SAS.

Intermediate, Advanced levels
20 learners
20 hours per learner
Learners apply to projects
Teams of 3
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Companies acting as clients will hold all copyrights to the work produced by students and instructors. If there is a potential for peer-reviewed publications, capstone instructors will seek permission from the companies before publishing.

Deliverables typically consist of reports and codes submitted to the clients. However, the formats and programming languages may vary based on the clients' specific requirements.

Project Examples

Students and capstone instructors have developed a number of prototypes that help companies to improve their business operations and services, such as:

  • Build predictive models capable of estimating the likelihood of object survival utilizing multiple machine learning algorithms, to predict outcomes;
  • Create customer segmentation by analyzing individual personas, profiles, and behavioral patterns;
  • Analyze data in the text format (customers’ feedback or reports) to find our topics of customers’ concerns;
  • Customize recommendations are made based on multiple parameters;
  • Analyze a wide variety of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that allows for building correlations and models for enhanced predictions and continuous improvements;
  • Object detection using various images.

Note that the DANA program strives to increase the employability of our students. Hence, this is a great opportunity for student to have their hands on working with datasets from the industries, such as healthcare, bio-informatics, and retails. I am more than happy to provide more details about the Capstone course as well as the DANA program, and perhaps discuss further your needs and how DANA can assist you in improving your business operations and services.

What a capstone project is not:

  • Setting up and/or maintaining a database.
  • Software development. Although our students learn some basic principles of software development, they are not generally equipped to build production-level software systems. Software development projects would also typically be less well aligned with the students’ interests and the learning objectives of the capstone course.
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Do you have high-quality data that addresses a specific problem or question faced by your organisation?

Do your organisation allocate official resources for working with capstone teams? (time for meeting and giving feedback, or computational resources, or advice, etc...)?

Do your organisation require to have an agreement on data sharing, licensing, and intellectual property rights?