Martin Turuta
Learner -
Data analysis Data modelling Financial modeling Investment Mobile app development


Data analysis 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

Work experience

Co-founder, Director of Finance
SAFI Health International Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
March 2021 - Current

• Designed and created the world’s cheapest pasteurization tool, whilst founding a not-for-profit to bring these products to Kenyan Herders to prevent the spread of MERS
• Raised over $15 000+ in current funding, and used a variety of financial management skills to leverage and disburse funds to accomplish several milestones
• Engaged in partner management and development by creating an advisory board, whilst performing outreach with private equity firms/grant partners to seed further funding

Supply Data/Strategy Analyst
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
January 2021 - Current

• Developed high-level leadership whilst owning the creation of the supply data alerting infrastructure, creating over 3 automated, machine learning driven models within Looker to support the business team
• Effectively designed and lead on the creation of the knowledge repository and documentation system
• Supported the Director of Supply by performing competitor analysis, market research and partner outreach to collect data and advise on strategic decisions

Junior Financial Analyst
CBSA, Government of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
May 2020 - December 2020

• Engaged in high-level financial analysis to perform accounting operations on import throughput financial data within the government’s Accounts Receivables Ledger.
• Used teamwork and self-starter skills to lead on a major ad hoc project that transferred large payments between import broker accounts and developed an automation strategy that increased efficiency by 30%
• Used analytical skills to reconcile, forecast, and apply necessary financial procedures on corporate accounts

Founder, Director of Operations
Opulence Marketing Agency
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
August 2019 - Current

• Using leadership skills and adaptability, employed and lead dedicated individuals who work on a variety of different tasks including web development, Google campaigns creation, market research, account management, etc. Effectively manage and implement $10000+ ad budgets for each client.
• Use consistent communication and interpersonal skills to interact with clients and consult to create an online company image and branding. Led to an average 40% increase in leads and sales for related clients


Bachelor's Double Degree, Mathematics & Business
University of Waterloo
September 2019 - Current
Bachelor's Double Degree, Mathematics & Business
Wilfrid Laurier University
September 2019 - Current

Personal projects

Google Trend Correlation Adaptive Trading Algorithm
December 2019 - October 2021

• Created a trading algorithm script which attempts to predict, and model price movements of equities based on fluctuations of term specific Google Trend sentiment data, whilst actively making long or short decisions based on the modeling, uses Python 3.8+.
• Can execute consistent high-return investing based on specific Google Trend data; when attempting to model AAL (NASDAQ) at the start of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, it was able to predict major price swings of the equity and consistently beat the market (SPY) by 100-150%, reaching total returns of up to 249%.