Feedback details

Project feedback
Working alongside the employers from Action for Palestine within the Muslim Action Group at Advance Ontario has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Their unwavering commitment to the cause of Palestine is truly inspiring, and it is evident in the tremendous amount of work they undertake to advance the objectives of Action4Palestine. From organizing large-scale events to coordinating efforts across various subgroups within A4P, their dedication is palpable. Working closely with the social media team leads and interns was particularly fulfilling, as it allowed for collaboration with individuals with a variety of skills. The professionalism demonstrated by the team leads, along with their flexibility and understanding, fostered a supportive environment that promoted productivity and growth. Throughout the 8 week period, the leadership provided by the employers was exemplary, offering effective guidance and support to navigate my role successfully. Overall, my experience working with the employers from Action for Palestine has been nothing short of commendable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their cause.
Aisha Khanat She / Her
Advance Ontario
Action for Palestine
Created At
April 1, 2024