Software Product Development

University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • January 20, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 8, 2024
    Experience end
1/5 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Startup, Social enterprise, Non profit, Large enterprise, Small to medium enterprise
Any industries
Information technology Product or service launch
software development software engineering data analysis product and service design
Learner goals and capabilities

Please read the document below completely and follow the steps specified there to submit proposals and ask questions. Given the high number of requests, requests submitted on Riipen will not be reviewed. All details and questions are discussed in the document below.

Program Overview and Partnership Invitation Document

This program has been run for several years. We work with 20+ partners every term. We may not be able to respond to messages on Riipen in a timely manner.

Quick summary: students take this course to develop a software application (web, mobile or desktop) for various use cases. Previous examples include mobile apps for finding travelers in a specific community and web-based application for connecting a non-profit to volunteers. If the project information is of interest, please go through the steps mentioned in the document. We will not be able to accept requests here as the proposals need to be chosen by the students in September.

Any level
125 learners
24 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 6
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Students will submit three main deliverables:

1- Project plan: The project plan will set the scope of the project and explain what the students aim to do and how they aim to work with the partners and how they want to achieve it.

2- Deliverable 1: Deliverable 1 will be the first working version of the software with minimal functionalities and limited capabilities. This is so the partner can provide feedback and guidance for the next steps.

3- Presentation to Instructor and Partner (You): Students will present the almost final version of their software. You are welcome to attend and observe the presentations and ask any questions they may have at the end.

4- Final Deliverable: This is the final deliverable that is submitted to the teaching team and the partners. This deliverable may not have all the functionalities but supports key use cases.

Project timeline
  • January 20, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 8, 2024
    Experience end
Project Examples

Students will develop a minimum viable product (software). This MVP is the solution to a problem for a specific set of users that are defined by the partners. The software can be a web application, mobile app, desktop application or any other type of software. Students will work with partners to define the scope of the project and aim to deliver the minimum viable product by the end of the term. You can see some examples below:

Resume management applications for recruiters

Mobile App for helping men choose stylish clothes

Electronic Circuit Design Web application

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Do you understand that we only take applications submitted using our standard form outside of Riipen? (Please follow the link in project descriptioN)